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Senior Packages
•Haylee, MHS Senior•_•Double post becaus
• _isabelkelly__  2019 EHS senior ♥️•_•2
• session with _gabriellagoss aka one of
• _zoem.jpe

The Essential

30 minute session

1 outfit

15 images


The Heirloom

1.5 hour session

3 outfits

45 images

8x10 print & 4 wallets


The Keepsake

60 minute session

2 outfits

30 images

8x10 print


Seasonal Senior

4 total sessions (Summer,Fall, Winter,Spring)

2 outfits + 20 images + 8x10 print per session 

& a photobook that includes all sessions at the end of the school year.


-payments can be split up or paid in full.

Deposit is required upon booking.

All deposits are non refundable.

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